But then reality sets in:
...Self, money is tight right now, and while it would be great to contribute to the Guild, we just cannot afford it. If only we could do it ‘for free...’
Well, in conjunction with Redner’s Warehouse Markets, it is now possible to make a monetary donation to the Guild for FREE!
Redner’s is committed to supporting the communities in which their Warehouse Markets are located. In Kent County, there is a Redner’s on Rte. 13, in North Dover; a Warehouse Market on Rte. 13 in South Dover, and a third Redner’s Warehouse Market in the Greentree Shopping Center on Rte. 8. OK, you need to shop for food and sundry items, and Redner’s offers a wide variety of products at reasonable prices.
Redner’s has established a 1% Save-A-Tape program. Here’s how it works: Each member must have a Redner’s Pump Perks/1% Save-A-Tape card – this is a “Redner’s ID card,” not a credit card, so no personal information is required to obtain one. If you shop at Redner’s you probably already have one. (You need this card anyway to take advantage of the discounts on gasoline purchases at Redner’s.)
You use your card when making a purchase; your receipt will be designated as a "1% Save-A-Tape customer receipt.” So far, this has been painless, right? Now for the "hard," challenging part, that lets you help the Guild: If you collect those 1% Save-A-Tape customer receipts and occasionally pass them on to the Guild,
Redner’s will donate 1% of your total spend on these receipts back to the Guild.
That is it! If you spend $100 at Redner’s, the Guild gets a donation of $1 back from Redner’s. If you and 50 of your neighbors each spend $100 at Redner’s, the Guild gets $50. And if that is a weekly total, potentially the Guild could get a $2,600 donation over the course of a year. For FREE!
That is all it takes! You can contribute financially to the Guild, for FREE! And, as for the “occasionally passing the receipts to the Guild” part, well, you do come to enjoy the shows periodically, don’t you? Just turn your receipts in at the lobby when you arrive, and enjoy the show knowing that you have contributed to keeping community theater going strong at The Kent County Theatre Guild located in our very own Patchwork Playhouse in Dover!
1. “Total Purchases” would not include any tobacco products. This keeps Redner’s out of trouble with the law, so that they may continue to provide a wide variety of products at decent prices, and keeps the 1% Save-A-Tape program helping non-profit organizations like your Kent County Theatre Guild.
2. If you happen to be... ah, very well organized, and have held on to old Redner’s receipts that are no more than THREE YEARS OLD they can also be submitted to the Guild as part of the 1% Save-A-Tape program. And to think: you were contributing monies to the Guild back then without even realizing it! The same thing goes for out-of-state Redner’s purchases: as long as you used your Redner’s card, the purchase amount contributes towards the 1% Save-A-Tape program, and may be turned in to the Guild!
3. While you certainly may turn your receipts in at the lobby, you may also mail your receipts to the Guild periodically. Just send them to:
The Kent County Theatre Guild
140 East Roosevelt Avenue
PO Box 783
Dover, Delaware 19903-0783
We know... as you sit in the audience, waiting for the show to begin, or at intermission, or even on the drive home, your mind is working. Something like:
...Self, you know that we have been enjoying great dramas, comedies, and musicals at The Kent County Theatre Guild for years... Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could make a monetary contribution to keep community theater going strong at the Guild in Dover?