Please tell us about your most recent KCTG experience. How did we do? We really want your opinion. Complete the short survey below to let us know. You can help make the Kent County Theatre Guild and its shows the best they can be. And as always, THANK YOU for your continued support!
Now that you've seen a Guild show...
Title of the most recent KCTG show you attended
Which performance of the show did you attend? (Day or Date)
Please rate each of the following elements of your time with us...
Stage Action
Box Office & Ticketing
Entertainment Value
Set Design
Lobby & Bar
Use the space below to enter any additional comments you may have
about the show or your experience at the Kent County Theatre Guild...
What kind of shows do you like? Let us know what shows you'd like to see
performed at the Patchwork Playhouse by the Kent County Theatre Guild...
Finally, tell us a little about yourself. Nothing specific or personal, just some general questions.
Note: Items marked with are * are required.
*What is your ZIP Code?
*Which are you?
*What is your age group
How many KCTG events do you typically attend in a year?
How many theatrical events do you typically attend in a year in all locations?
How did you hear about this show? (click dropdown)
(optional) Enter your email address to be added to our mailing list:
That's it! Now click SEND
Thanks for taking the time to let us know about your visit with us. We hope to see you at the next show! You must click the SEND SURVEY INFO NOW button to the right to send your survey to us.