About KCTG
Season Tickets
Where We Are
Show Archive
For Members
All About the Guild
The Kent County Theatre Guild’s history began in 1953 when Alan Hunn, Earl Scheidt, Dick Clark and Sug Adlam met and discussed the need for a community theater in Kent County. Sug suggested an ad be placed calling on all who shared the same interest to attend a meeting and 50 folks showed up! As a result, the Kent County Theatre Guild was formed, a charter and bylaws were drafted and Alan Hunn was elected the Guild’s first President of the Board of Trustees. KCTG has been providing quality, award-winning theater to the central Delaware community since 1953. We currently present five shows each season—January – December. Our 100-seat house, the Patchwork Playhouse, provides every patron an excellent view of our elevated stage. The intimacy of our small theater makes each audience member feel part of the production, which we feel is an important part of community theater.

We welcome anyone interested in participating in or learning about live theater to volunteer and become a member. Our organization is run solely by volunteers who handle everything from governance and building maintenance to set construction, acting and directing.

If your interest is in performing, keep an eye on our home page for audition notices. If you prefer attending shows to being in them, you might wish to become a season subscriber.

All of our shows are performed at our own theater, the Patchwork Playhouse. The street address is
140 Roosevelt Avenue, Dover, DE 19903.
Email us at kctginfo@kctg.org
Leave a message at 302-674-3568 and we'll follow up.
Send mail to: PO Box 783, Dover, DE 19903-0783.

The Kent County Theatre Guild was founded in 1953 and incorporated as a foundation in 1961. The foundation's bylaws created a Board of Trustees to manage the "property, affairs, and business of the Foundation."

The KCTG Board of Trustees consists of seven members, elected annually. In order to qualify for election, a member must be at least eighteen years old, have paid his or her annual dues, actively participated in the operation of the Guild during the year preceding election, and attended at least two general and/or special meetings during that year.

Nominations for this election take place in March. Any qualified Voting Member may nominate a member who meets the above qualifications, and may vote at the Annual Meeting in April. The qualifications of a Voting Member are the same as those to be nominated, except a Voting Member need only have attended one meeting during the preceding year.

The Annual Meeting at which the board is elected is held on the second Thursday of April. The newly elected board is seated at the next regular meeting, on the first Tuesday of May, at which time officers are elected.

Monthly Board of Trustee meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of each month at the Patchwork Playhouse at 7pm.  Meetings are open; members and others interested in learning more about the Kent County Theatre Guild are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate.
Beginning with KCTG's 2017 season, patrons who arrive after the start of the show will not be seated until an appropriate break in the performance, which may not be until intermission.

Refunds (partial or full) will not be offered for any portion of the show that is missed. The Kent County Theatre Guild encourages its patrons to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to curtain. As always, thank you for supporting KCTG

Time has been allocated at our monthly scheduled meeting of the KCTG Board of Trustees for individuals or groups to address the Board on scheduled action items or other issues they wish to bring before the Board. Persons wishing to make comments should email their concerns to kctginfo@kctg.org at least 48 hours prior to the next scheduled meeting.

Each group should choose one representative to speak and comments should be limited to five minutes. Speakers will be recognized by the Board Chairperson in the order their names appear. If a large group of people sign up to speak, the Board Chairperson may at his/her discretion, limit the number of persons allowed to speak. The Board will not hear comments on issues pertaining to individuals. Issues pertaining to individuals are not part of the public comments. It is the intention of the Board to listen to public comments, but not to respond.

Unless otherwise specified, auditions for KCTG shows are in the form of "cold reading" from the show's script. Auditions are held at KCTG's Patchwork Playhouse, on Roosevelt Ave., Dover. As you approach from Dupont Hwy (Rte 13), look for a large, white, windowless building on your right. (Hint: The logo at the top of this page is over the front door.) There is parking behind the theater. Audition dates & times are announced on our website homepage. Please try to arrive early to fill out the audition form.

The Kent County Theatre Guild is an all-volunteer organization that offers members of the community the opportunity to learn all aspects of theatrical production in a real working theater. No matter what your area of interest may be, there's a way for you to be involved. Here are some easy ways to volunteer if you've never done it before:

Be An Usher or Bartender
A great way to get started as a KCTG volunteer is to usher or tend bar. Ushers greet patrons, hand out programs, and show them to their seats. Bartenders serve drinks to our patrons. No experience is required. For your time, KCTG will reserve one ticket per usher/bartender in the back row for the show the usher/bartender is working. Ushers/Bartenders are scheduled on a first sign up, first served basis. Seats will not be reserved for volunteers who are not scheduled with the Head of House (ushers) or Bar Manager (bartenders).

Audition for a Show
If you've always wanted to be on stage but think you can't because you've never done it before, think again! Every actor who appears in a production on our stage walked into our theater as a first-time auditioner at one time; some came in with experience, and others learned on the job. If you just want to see how it's done, feel free to just come and watch. Sometimes the easiest way to get involved is to pop in to an audition and volunteer to help with that production.

Hold Book
The bookholder works next to the director while the show is in rehearsal, following along in the script and prompting the actors as they work on stage. It's a great way to see first-hand how a production comes together from first read-through to opening night!

Please let us know if you would like to be on the KCTG mailing list, become a member, receive our audition notices, leave comments about a show or event, or volunteer to assist KCTG in anyway.  Fill out the form below, click SUBMIT, and you'll hear from us soon!
Full Name
Address 1
Address 2
City - State - ZIP
Phone Number
Email Address
Are you currently a KCTG member?
Have you ever attended a KCTG show?
Please check all areas that interest you:
Use the space below to enter any comments or questions that you have. Be sure to click the SUBMIT button below before leaving.  You'll hear back from us soon.  Thank you!
at the Patchwork Playhouse
Providing Quality Community Theatre
to Central Delaware Since 1953
OUR MISSION STATEMENT: The Kent County Theatre Guild's mission is to provide everyone the opportunity to participate in an award-winning, live theatrical experience, whether on stage, backstage, behind the scenes or in the audience.
Board of Trustees Meeting Dates
First Tuesdays 7:00p at the Playhouse
(Unless Otherwise Noted)

JAN 7 - FEB 4 - MAR 3
APR 7 - MAY 5 - JUN 2
JUL 7 - AUG 4 - SEP 1
OCT 6 - NOV 3 - DEC 1

Mike Polo - Chair
Val Hailey - Vice Chair
Terri Thompson - Secretary
Patti Gatto - Treasurer
Maureen Levine - Member At Large
Steve Caporiccio - Member At Large
Jeff Bellon - Member At Large
Mailing List  
Audition Notices  
Tech Crew  
Stage Crew  
Set Construction  
Costumes / Props